About Us
About Us

Welcome to BuyUnique.com, one of the world's leading ecommerce marketplaces.

We offer a wide range of low-cost products to customers all around the world.

We're changing the way people shop by offering a personalised and exciting experience that anybody can access via their mobile devices.

Our mission is to bring an affordable and entertaining mobile shopping experience to billions of consumers around the world.

What is the BuyUnique process?

Wish offers a discovery-based shopping experience similar to how customers have browsed in physical locations for years. Our system learns about our consumers as a result of more interaction and curates a product feed that is tailored to them. Our merchants are constantly extending their product offerings in order to offer a wider range of products at low rates. We take minimum commision between customer and merchants and we are not taking any deliver charges.

Regarding Delivery Schedules

We anticipate receiving this item by the estimated delivery date. In the event of delays beyond our control, we additionally calculate a maximum delivery date. If the item isn't delivered by the maximum delivery date, we'll give you a full refund under your Money Back Guarantee.

If the item hasn't arrived within 30 days of delivery or the maximum delivery date, you can request a refund.

Secure Payments

Shipping in India

Great Value & Quality
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